


Life Expectancies



birth rank
challenge class
life expectancy
Commoner N/A 42 for majority
70 - 80 if well placed
Figures vary most for commoners, outside the city of Under Gelion. Demish agricultural worlds, for example, would be a little healthier. Red Reach has almost no commoner population.
Fractional petty sevolite same as commoner  
Petty Sevolite petty sevolite slightly better than commoner  
Midlord nobleborn 150 Reality skimming damage is cumulative for nobleborns, hence actual life expectancy is proportional to the amount of space travel undertaken in a life time. But nobleborn cancer is the ordinary kind.
Seniorlord nobleborn 170
Highlord highborn 300 Highborns are at risk for regenerative cancer, which strikes those who avoid damage during a lifetime even more aggressively than those who have taken their lumps. But regenerative cancer can also be triggered by a bad wound that just won't stop "healing". Sometimes it can be treated by TouchGate Hospital in Luverthan, but untreated is always fatal.
Royalblood highborn theoretically immortal
Pureblood highborn theoretically immortal

Gelack life expectancies shown above presume death by "natural" causes, which may include reality skimming wear, misc. disease, and regenerative cancer, but not as an immediate consequence of violence. A disproportionate number of Vrellish Sevolites die by violence than Demish ones. Among the Demish, a disproportionate number of men die by violence than women. Death in childbirth is a significant cause of death in all Gelack women, where medical help is not available or permitted, but not enough so to counter balance the higher male death rate of the Demish. Hence the "widowed matron" syndrome. The Vrellish imbalance works the other way, since women are as likely to die violently as men, but also have the added risks of child birth to contend with. Vrellish culture is protective towards pregnant female highborns, in particular. Pregnancies are short, and the infants are born small and physically precocious.


Life expectancy on Rire itself is higher than 21st century Earth due to advanced medical science that, nonetheless, stops short of the sort of drastic eugentic engineering which produced the original Sevolites. A healthy Reetion might expect to live to 120 with good care and a moderate lifestyle. Pilot life expectancies are shorter due to a disproportionate amount of reality skimming exposure.


Page last updated: 14-Nov-2003
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