



Amel Dem'Vrel

The main sequence of novels in the Okal Rel series are contemporary with Amel, and he appears in most although not always as a main character.

He is one of two view point characters in Throne Price, the first novel in the series to be completed for publication. In Far Arena, the immediate sequel, he is the focus of every other chapter, although he does not get a point of view of himself until the climax.

Amel is one of four protagonists in Courtesan Prince, but much of the action centers around him.

Name(s) Gorarelpul trainee Imifilious, courtesan Von, Pureblood Amel Dem'Vrel
challenge class
Demish dominance
parents Ev'rel Dem'Vrel (mother) Delm Dem
parents of
foster sister Mira




Amel was born to Ev'rel and her hated half-brother Ava-Delm in fulfillment of a disastrous child contract imposed on them by Fountain Court. Lost in infancy in an attempt to hide him from his murderous father, he was raised with foster sister Mira by Shatenous, Dean of the Gorarelpul College.

At age ten he spent six months in a sla den in the Underdocks when a scheme to get Mira to medical school on TouchGate Station backfired. Escape came at the price of conscience bonding to the unsavory Liege H'Reth. Amel's spirit was saved when H'Reth turned him over to a courtesan den, managed by a sword dancer called Eva who becomes his mentor.

The events of Courtesan Prince catapult Amel into life as a Pureblood for which he was ill prepared by his history as a successful court sword dancer.

In Pretenders, he mediates between his mother, Ev'rel and Ameron Lor'Vrel, beginning an eighteen year career as Ameron's Envoy and Ev'rel's son with high but ambiguous status.

Golden Souls and ColdRock feature him coming to terms with outside powers he is expected to influence. In his travels, he crops up in stories about Ann, a Reetion triumvir of the SkyBlue Station outpost, his Purple Alliance friends, and people like Kath, from his commoner past.

Page last updated: 05-Dec-2003
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