Reality Skimming

Tuesday, January 15, 2002
...Both my heros and villains are out to order the universe better.
Which is why Erien deserves the Vrellish. :-) Just to prevent that being too easy. Although I think during the course of the series, and his own development, he does come to appreciate that the Vrellish lifestyle has its own order to it and its failure to jive with his (originally) Reeion-influenced sense of order shouldn't condemn it even with him. Doubtless helps he gets a serious load of order-for-the-sake-of-order from the Demish during the process. :-)

TP Fixes

Couldn't face 'em again tonight and owed the kids some computing time with mummy. Angie is making bookmarks, scanned out of library book using Photoshop, and Tegan wanted me to explore an animal encyclopedia we got for Xmas with her. I will make the last push and amalgamate your input tomorrow night after work.

braid background

Sort of bumbled into doing a braid doodle after Angie went to bed and put it up on the ORU as the new background for the Gelack clothing article. BTW I noticed a reference, in that article, to Dem'Vrel ship and moon device. I have a feeling we changed that to ship and sun by the time it got into Throne Price, didn't we. Must check that sometime. Easier to change the web site than the book, that's for sure. :-) Works better as a background in full version with 70 percent opacity than as a clip, below, unfortunately.

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