Reality Skimming

Thursday, June 20, 2002
Chapter 20c
Thanks for the above, filling in the hole. You've managed to work in the STIs so they work dramatically and logically. We're going to have a tussle about whether dialogue should be tagged or not, I see! Will upload the next version once done.

I don't have strong personal feelings about tagging dialogue. Okay with me if you just take out the ones you don't want. If Cheyenne wants more tagging than we wind up with, net, then we'll get it sorted at that point.

Latest rumour says that most of us will know today whether or not we are going to be laid off. I've never been in a position to be laid off before! Contract expired, yes. Hoping I'd be mercifully terminated, occasionally (praying for career euthanasia). Never laid off. I might even be eligible to apply for unemployment, which is definitely not what comes to mind - certainly in the UK contract employees were ineligible. Another experience that the writer would take notes through.

Tired of stewing about job, and mildly depressed about writing, I spent last night just hanging out with my characters - writing domestic scenes and going to town with the prose and the description. Feel better. Am beginning to see what Caitlin means about fantasy vs. science fiction: fantasy writers get to use language, symbol, setting and characterization while SF writers meet moans about "soo slowww". I'm reading Juliet Marillier's Daughter of the Forest, which Marie has several times recommended. I shied away because it looked Mists of Avalon-ish, and while I recognized the achievement of Mists I found all the female masochism hard to take. Daughter is nothing like that - the springboard is the retelling of the fairy tale which I've heard under the name "The Wild Swans", about the girl whose six brothers are turned into swans by their wicked stepmother, and who is bound to silence and to spin shirts from nettles to release them. The author works this into a setting of medieval politics, Irish and Britons. Her handling of the six brothers is a study of how to differentiate character.

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