Reality Skimming

Monday, July 08, 2002
Interview in Challenging Destiny
Earlier this year I was interviewed by James Schellenberg and Darrell Switzer for Challenging Destiny #14 (small press Canadian magazine). I talked, among other things, about TP, and the interview is on line here. They earned my affection for not publishing James' review of TP in the same issue (he didn't like TP); my previous experience with a small press 'zine included finding one of the most unpleasant reviews I'd ever received pretty much back to back with an interview I'd given considerable time and thought to. And James' one is a fair unfavourable review - there are such things - the other was just plain nasty. NB, this particular consideration came unbidden. I regard an author's attempts to dictate to an editor how they should be editing with about as much favour as I do as a reviewer's attempts to dictate to an author what they should be writing!

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