Reality Skimming

Tuesday, July 23, 2002
Merman's Children / Poul Anderson
Finished The Merman's Children by Poul Anderson, which I picked up at White Dwarf on holidays. Good read. Painful portrayal of the doom of faerie with the spread of Christendom. Wondered what Marie would make of it. I found the end satisfying, which I do appreciate. Published in 1979.

PS I'll be in Vancouver again tomorrow night. Work. Probably "away from the forge".

PPS Wonderful and unexpected connection with our new dean of graduate studies today! Came to talk shop and ranged all over from Plato to Fractals. No sooner does one settle into complacent cynicism than one discovers proof that some, real intellectuals do wind up in post-secondary careers. :-) Long ago bored of the average faculty huddle over coffee that fixates on bashing, budgets or comparing restaurants and such. But this is all to the good. Cynicism has never been motivating for me.

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