Reality Skimming

Monday, March 08, 2004
A Frenzy of Fractals
In search of wall decoration for the ORU - the trouble is that most of the repeating patterns that please the human eye make the Vrellish twitch - I started looking for fractal patterns, and then for fractal generators for the Mac. Observe the results -

... does the phrase "creating a monster" perhaps spring to mind?
The fractals were generated with Fractal Explorer, which was found through Fractovia. I could export them as PICT files and then convert them to JPEGs, though the option of making larger than default patterns doesn't seem to be working - but I am not complaining - I have a whole bunch of gorgeous patterns to play with for free. Fractovia also linked to the Chaos Hypertextbook, which has an appendix of software resources.

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