Reality Skimming

Thursday, April 08, 2004
Balcony sketches and cheap tree
Learning how to use a mapped picture to do transparencies - potential balconies for bits of West Alcove, and a cheap (as in low-polygon) tree. The tree is a flattened sphere, with a procedural mapping - fractal and various colours, over a transparency map generated in photoshop - gradient, noise, zig-zag filter, and crystallize, then greyscale, contrast enhance and bitmap to create a fragmented gradient. The flat panels are black-white stencils, colour mapped, with procedural colours applied. This is how I need to do the screen in the flashing floor scene, rather than using all those terrains! Now if I can just find the manual again to reread the bits on how to modify the settings to deal with the crashes ...

Wikipedia has a page on Open Source software which lists a number of open source graphics programs.

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