Reality Skimming

Wednesday, March 09, 2005
If I follow Erasmus' dictum of books before food, I'm going to get hungry in May. Here's the to-buy list:

  1. Second volume of Julie Czerneda's Species Imperative series. If you haven't read it, I won't spoil it for you, but suffice to say, a character like Mac is not going to leave a promise to a friend unkept!
  2. Final volume of Coleen Doran's A Distant Soil. I've been waiting for this one for a LOONNNG time, considering that Lynda got me hooked way back during the writing of my thesis. That was what got me through, that, ElfQuest, and the X-Men.
  3. May or June is the next Lois McMaster Bujold novel. I think it's also a Chalion one, and it's called The Hallowed Hunt. Which means it could be following Ista on her demon-hunt. Or it could go off with another character - which I think more likely. Whereever she's going, I'm going with her, because if I had to pick a writer who is consistently excellent, she's top of the list.
  4. May is also when Revenge of the Sith comes out. I will go along to feast my eyes, because Lucas has a sumptuous visual imagination, and with the kind of computer graphics tools now available (which he did a lot to develop), it will be the kind of film to see three times just to look in all the corners. Unfortunately, I fear he doesn't have the dramatic oomph to pull off the story he's trying to tell. I would very much like to be disproved.
  5. And I know there's one more I can't think of right now.

Unfortunately, my birthday is in September. I will simply have to get my income tax done early - assuming they're going to give me anything back. Consider it motivation to do a chore I usually put off until the week before.

Oooh. I too am waiting for the second in Julie Czerneda's series. I was a little taken aback by the way the first one ended, but damn well enjoyed the rest of the book.
I remembered #5: Marie Jakober's Sons of Liberty, which is due out in June.
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