Reality Skimming

Friday, January 06, 2006
Quote of the Day

"Intelligent people can believe remarkably stupid things. It's a big world."

Den Valdron, in conversation on SF Canada.

Well yes,
(1) belief does not necessarily need to be logical, it need only be satisfying. If logic is what's satisfying then you may well get logical belief, and if imagination is satisfying, you get imaginative belief.
(2) one of the things that intelligence will let you do is create complex and attractive rationalizations, so it is possible to build whole edifices of absurdity.

Which may be aggravating in life - I have tied myself into all kinds of intelligent knots over the years - but allows no end of fun in creating fictional characters, who can believe in just about anything.
My problem with advocating logic as the better system, is that logic is often not very emotionally satisfying. Like Amel, in Throne Price, I sometimes find myself more interested in a good illusion than a cruel truth. Or simply more partial to a warm-hearted misconception than a heartless application of rationality. Perhaps my value system is migrating with age. I liked the quote, mind you, because it touched on my youthful impatience with people who use their intelligence in the way you mention -- to rationalize oppressive or harmful behavior on the strength of supernatural premises or folk beliefs. That nerve is still alive, too, I guess.
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