Reality Skimming

Thursday, June 01, 2006
When the good die young
Deep Magic, a high-quality e-zine, is on the rocks. Free to read, and recently started paying authors for their stories. They've seen a huge increase in submissions, of course, after that announcement, but haven't reached a feasible number of subscriptions to even keep producing the magazine. I've seen Deep Magic get more and more positive coverage, and would hate to see it die at this point. If anyone can help by subscribing, or a donation (what's five bucks?), we don't want to see the little guy go under!

David/Lynda, I had to colour the link blue, because the default setting was white! ?? I didn't want to go in and play with the template, but can you look at it?
Awfully sorry to hear Deep Magic is having a rough time. I enjoy them. The world really needs a new model other than subscription-based solutions for sustaining creative communities. I am a member of Deep Magic, FYI! And I know Anne M. as a frequent contributor to Deep Magic. Thanks for caring about 'em, Virginia.
PS Werry Swaange about the default link color.
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