Reality Skimming

Thursday, August 03, 2006
Cambrian House Software Developer
Ah, how the web weaves connections. :-) Spotted an ad for Cambrian House on BoingBoing while looking at Cory Doctorow's article about my daughter, Jennifer Lott, and her Animorph ending that Cory posted there. Always enjoyed dabbling in ideas so I signed up on the Cambrian House site and played a little. I liked their style so much, I had one of my spontaneous urges to soul touch propsective kindred spirits and threw together a mixed bag of Okal Rel Universe memorabilia, books and junk to fire off to them with a letter expressing my wistful thought that "if only I was younger I'd love to be doing what you're doing". Delighted by the response, below, and recommend Cambrian House to any ORU enthusiasts into creative ideas for software development. (I know there are some of you out there!)

From e-mail received Friday, July 28, 2006 4:41 PM, reproduced with permission.

Hey Lynda,

The Team here at Cambrian House has received your care package and we absolutely love it. Thank you so much! We think it's awesome that you decided to send it to us and you?ll be glad to know that Courtesan Prince is making the rounds; I have seen it on a few people's desks as I walk by.

It's great to see that we have fans in our early Beta Stage; I hope that you have already signed up for the community and received a Beta Award reserved for our most brave community members, those who sign up before August 1. And there is no reason that you can't contribute, regardless of your age J, and lend us some of your great ideas and feedback. We are working hard at making our site the best it can be with help from all our users.

We look forward to seeing and hearing more from you on our site! And we are also looking forward to the release of Part Two of the Okal Rel Saga, Righteous Anger.



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