Reality Skimming

Saturday, May 16, 2009
Passed 500 views of Okalrel-Fanclub on Deviant Art

ORU contributor Mel Farrow pointed out to me today that after many months of just a few friends talking with her on the ORU fan club site she created on Deviant Art, there are signs of visitors appearing. Very exciting.

Visit Mel's Okalrel-Fanclub on Deviant Art at . Mel did chibbie art for the OR Encyclopedia and for use on buttons. She is also a regular at our Saturday morning readings, wrote a wonderful review of the series for Over the Edge, the UNBC student newspaper, masterminds cosplay with Tegan to produce ORU picutres and is writing a story for an upcoming anthology.

Speaking of Saturday morning readings ... we just finished today's. Krysia brought a new friend, Miranda, who is an artist and is gamely getting into the stories. Holly had to do yard work today so we didn't get an Artemis Fowl installment. I read the last chapter of Part 6: Avim's Oath. David stayed for breakfast but had to go to work at the playhouse before the reading began. Angie showed him her ORU website before he left. He was impressed, just as I was! Thinking we should get it up on the main site, after it is finished, and label it "Angie's Route" to getting to know the ORU for newbies. Miranda is reading Part 1: The Courtesan Prince and is at about chapter 3. Angela is re-reading Part 2: Righteous Anger, in which Horth is about to be exiled to SanHome at age 11. The gang pointed out, after I read from Part 6: Avim's Oath, how the books are getting "lighter", compared with Part 4: Throne Price and Part 2: Righteous Anger. Part 7: Healer's Sword is about busy, productive change in the ORU and on the light side, as well, in as much as it features marriage, romance, babies and the cultural exchange. But it will have its nasty moments. The last three books head into darker waters, but I hope to keep up the sparkle on the interpersonal front established in the "middle volumes". Lovely to hear the Saturday morning audience lament "There's only three books left!" when I bragged about being halfway through Part 7: Healer's Sword But it will be a relief, at the same time, to have the whole saga delivered. Still hoping to get there by 2012.

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Sorry I didn't come by this Saturday! I'm still visiting with the friends from Terrace. Next Saturday might work out for me, though.
Be delighted to have you join us if you can!
Hi Lynda,

10:00, right? Can you email me your address? Thanks!

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