Reality Skimming

Sunday, December 07, 2008
Amel story featured for a day at Circlet Press

Cecelia Tan of Circlet Press recently asked me if she could use "Bride's Story" in an Advent Calendar feature on her homepage. Honorable as ever in her dealings with authors, Cecelia paid for the privilege. I asked her to donate the honorarium to an "Amel Friendly" charity (compassionate or arts causes) and she gave it to the ASJA Writers Emergency Assistance Fund. "Bride's Story" was Amel's first appearance in print, later republished in The Erotic Fantastic, a collection of the best of Circlet Press. It's a story from his courtesan days. I have a novella in my "unfinished" drawer in which Amel runs into the character from "Bride's Story", called Matron, after she has left court on the heels of events in part 1 of the saga, The Courtesan Prince.

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