Reality Skimming

Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Righteous Anger short listed for the Prix Auorora 2007

Righteous Anger didn't win the Prix Aurora 2007 for best SF novel, but it was rather exciting to be in the line up illustrated above. My book was also the only one from a middle-sized press, which is sort of cool. Heaps of thanks to those who voted for Righteous Anger!

Dave Duncan awarded the Prix Aurora 2007 for best novel at VCON

Here's the winner, Dave Duncan, accepting the Aurora for his book Children of Chaos. I have read and enjoyed many of Dave's books. He has always been gracious to new-comers like me, also. So I was pleased to hear Children of Chaos was a book he particularly liked and had been wanting to see in print for a long time.

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