Reality Skimming

Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Okal Rel scene on Dr. Dee Horne's Scrollinspace

An "off stage" glimpse of Okal Rel characters in their "time off" - in a scene that never made it into the novels - is published on Dr. Dee Horne's Scroll in Space online literary journal. I've also been asked by Dr. Horne to make an appearance in her Creative Writing class in the new year. Dates TBA.

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Friday, November 02, 2007
Scrollinspace online community journal managed by Dr. Dee Horne I was one of an intrepid group of diverse readers and musicians performing at the UNBC coffee house last night, with intermittant competition from a loudly buzzing light in the Atrium. Enjoyed it all more than I had anticipated! Not that I don't usually enjoy listening to readings, but the short-and-many format worked well and it has been a long time since I got the chance to sit in the audience at the arts scene. I showed off Righteous Anger and Okal Rel Anthology 2 as well as reading from YA fantasy work in progress, from my new Fanga Stone series. Much thanks to Dee, who MC'd, read, and sold copies of Rebecca Bradley's Lateral Truth, for throwing the gig. Writers - check out her innovative creation, Scrollinspace, online.

The line up last night included: Dee Horne, Mike Stanyer, Lisa Dickson, Kevin Hutchings, Brenda Koller, Jay Lewyn, Ann Tiffany, Jeremy Stewart, Rob Budde, Adam Pottle, Tonia Mills, Justin Foster, Ken Belford, Si Transken, Lynda Williams and Bud Baldry whose short reading from Chapter 11 of his novel-in-eternal-progress about the life of a skinny insurance salesman was delightfully funny. Ken and Si are always uplifting. Appreciated Si's poetic tribute to the unsung and underpaid women of the social services world and Ken's encounter with a grizzly, so remarkable for being an ordinary run-in between beings who share a world - or in this case a tent. Always have a soft spot for Robert Budde's "Poem" poems, about how a poem would contend with the world as a character in everyday situations. The "poem" poems, as this series is known, highlight how bizzare so-called normal experience is, in the face of "poem"'s inquisitive, meaning-conscious efforts to interact. Jennifer Lott, my daughter, attended and remarked to me afterwards about Adam Pottle's story of securing a Barbie doll to photograph for the cover of his chapbook. Missed Dee, Lisa and Mike's readings because I have to run off to do a driving chore for family. Maybe next time! Came back in time to catch Kevin Hutchings' last William Blake song on the guitar. Always had the image of Blake as a dry, bible-thumping type for some reason so hearing about his musical side and some of the Blake quotes Jeremy Stewart favors, has been an education on that front. Kevin reminded us it is Blake's 250th anniversary this year and there are celebrations all over the world to commemorate his life and work.

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