Reality Skimming

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Cover of The Courtesan Prince by Lynda Williams I recently discovered (re-discovered?) a review of The Courtesan Prince by Jill, the book chick, that speaks to my own feelings about the whole Okal Rel Universe enterprise. She gives CP 4 out of 5 stars not because of any short-coming in its quality: "Only because it helps to be familiar with Okal Rel before diving in." But she goes on to thank me for the very qualities in my books that are such a sin from the perspective of the thirty-second sales pitch, for which I thank her with all my heart. I hope she is right about the ORU being treasured for many years by those for whom it "takes root". And I'm starting to have faith in that hope, thanks to all of you who have found the time in your busy, stressful lives to love the ORU along with me in whatever way worked best for you.

Featured Quote from Review at

Williams takes a brilliant and complex universe and invites us in, pulls us in, and keeps us there, turning pages, wanting more, voraciously lapping up everything she tosses our way. I should like to thank her for creating this wonderful thing, this series of books that will be treasured for years to come. - Jill Bell, cenobyte

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