Reality Skimming

Sunday, September 14, 2008
Coloring Line art in Photoshop My appreciation to Patrick Shettlesworth for his tutorial on coloring line art in Photoshop. It is going to be a big help working with sketched art. This example is a detail from a "young Horth" cartoon by Mel F. I used the tutorial to get the coloring done much faster and cleaner than the way I was doing it. One day, when I have book 6 done maybe, I'd love to put some time into turning some of Mel's "crack" cartoons or other work into a sort of cartoon sampler as a means of getting us both some experience with the comic/graphic novel media. Meanwhile I putter. :-) "Crack" art, I'm informed, is the sort which pokes fun at characters.

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Sunday, August 03, 2008
Grab Rat by Lisa Proulx
Grab rat for ORU Guide by artist Lisa Proulx
Did some work this morning on a picture of a grab rat drawn by artist Lisa Proulx for use in the overhauled guide to the Okal Rel Universe. And I'd like to thank Peter Keres for his article Coloring Pencil Drawings With Photoshop at FARP (Fantasy Art Research Project). Peter's article taught me a new trick about using the Guassian Blur filter.

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