Reality Skimming

Saturday, January 02, 2010
Part 7: Healer's Sword appears TBA on Risingshadow Just got an inquiry from publisher Brian Hades of Edge Science Fiction and Fantasy asking about descriptions of character Ilse Marin, the healer with a sword of Part 7: Healer's Sword. And while hunting around for pictures Alison Sinclair had made of Ilse back in 2004, before she bowed out of working on the book with me, I snagged an advance notice of the book on a site called Most encouraging, as I soldier on with the first draft of Part 8: Gathering Storm. Although reading the blurb on I realized half of what's in the blurb about this book is really the material of Part 8, as things turned out. The text, added by Seregil of Rhiminee (thank you Seregil!), came from the list of novels on the ORU site at ... which are getting slightly out of date as the novels get completed. Although the gist is always still there, as planned from the beginning.

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