Reality Skimming

Thursday, October 02, 2008
Sandra Kasturi author of the Animal Bridegroom Heard from Sandra Kasturi, author of the Animal Bridegroom, an emotionally rich feast of poetry, about two annual awards for writing (poetry and fiction) made possible by The Vaike and Erich Rannu Fund for Writers of Speculative Literature. See contest details on the fund's website. Judges are Mildred Tremblay, David Livingstone Clink & Sandra Kasturi (Poetry); and Candas Jane Dorsey, Robert Boyczuk, & Sandra Kasturi (fiction). First prize is $500 with $50 for honorable mentions.

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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Sandra Kasturi's sonnetaweek project was how I met her, and why I asked her to be editor of the Demiverse project for the ORU when the urge to make an ORU connection struck. I always loved the old, rhymning poety, and the full-figured emotions of Shakespearean drama. Sandra missed more than a few weeks in her sonnetaweek group on yahoo, but she hasn't stopped!

Here's her latest, entitled: Refuting Complaints, with Melodrama.

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