Reality Skimming

Sunday, February 17, 2008
Betterworld online book store benefits literacy

Sharing this from an RFF (Readers for the Future) posting by David Glen Anderson, repeated below. Sounds like a website worth supporting. I like the idea of books supporting good causes, and I like to see second hand books move on to new lives. (The book Dave talks about below isn't Righteous Anger - I'm pretty sure he's got a copy of it. He's into all kinds of good books and good ways to make them mean as much as they can in the world.)

Before I left to attend Life, the Universe and Everything, I ordered one of the Golden Duck candidates from ( Fund literacy, care for the environment, and get a fair price on the books you want. 2 Million Used Books. Free shipping in the USA, $2.97 worldwide This book was not available new.

The book is in transit. I went to their website. For less than $30 I found about 8 books that I needed to fill in some holes. Some are exlibrary copies but when I cannot find certain books in my local bookstore exlibrary works. BetterWorld lists libraries et al that benefit by my purchase.

Dave Anderson


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