Reality Skimming

Friday, April 03, 2009
New ORU Buttons - Ranar Chibi
Okal Rel button featuring chibi of Ranar by Mel Farrow

Here's one of the new ORU buttons made possible by Kathy Plett. The chibi on this one is by Mel Farrow. The button design art is by Jordan Bacon. Charlie Harmon says "I like the chibies". Dave Anderson has sent the buttons along, in digital form, to AboutSF. The actual buttons will be available in a couple of weeks - in time for the Bridges conference at UNBC in June, for sure. These buttons feature quotes from Part 5: Far Arena, although a few hark back to earlier materials. The Ranar quote on this button, for example, occurs in Part 3: Pretenders.

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Sunday, February 17, 2008
Betterworld online book store benefits literacy

Sharing this from an RFF (Readers for the Future) posting by David Glen Anderson, repeated below. Sounds like a website worth supporting. I like the idea of books supporting good causes, and I like to see second hand books move on to new lives. (The book Dave talks about below isn't Righteous Anger - I'm pretty sure he's got a copy of it. He's into all kinds of good books and good ways to make them mean as much as they can in the world.)

Before I left to attend Life, the Universe and Everything, I ordered one of the Golden Duck candidates from ( Fund literacy, care for the environment, and get a fair price on the books you want. 2 Million Used Books. Free shipping in the USA, $2.97 worldwide This book was not available new.

The book is in transit. I went to their website. For less than $30 I found about 8 books that I needed to fill in some holes. Some are exlibrary copies but when I cannot find certain books in my local bookstore exlibrary works. BetterWorld lists libraries et al that benefit by my purchase.

Dave Anderson
