Reality Skimming

Tuesday, January 05, 2010
Readers for the Future packs up

From: Dave
Subject: [RFF/DYR/CEC team] So long RFF Utah
Date: Tuesday, January 5, 2010, 3:47 AM

We would like to thank everyone who has offered their generous support to RFFUtah over the years.

In the current economic environment, RFFUtah, like many other small organizations, finds that it can no longer continue to offer significant contributions to those institutions and organizations whose efforts are directed at promoting literacy and reading.

Therefore, it is with regret that we have made the decision to discontinue operations effective January 1, 2010 due to a lack of critical resources.

We encourage you to direct your attention and support to local schools, libraries and organizations who support literacy and reading.

Any questions may be directed to rffutah@rffutah. org

Ruth Hanson
Caroljean Hanson
Helge Moulding
Laura Swift Lind
David-Glenn Anderson

Reading for the Future Utah
http://www.rffutah. org/

Encouraging literacy and imagination through Speculative Fiction
Founded: Jun 8, 1999

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Friday, March 13, 2009
RFF Utah Homepage revamped

Readers for the Future have a new web page up. David Glenn Anderson is the ORU connection with them. I also web published my short story Angela's Wisdom through them. That was back when I was teaching computer science and Angela was struggling to learn to read. Now she's 16 and disappears for days at a time reading the Twilight books by Stephanie Meyer. Delighted that she also likes the Okal Rel Universe stories, too.

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Friday, November 09, 2007
Worlds of Lynda Williams CD
Worlds of Lynda Williams CD

Here's a scan of the cover of the Worlds of Lynda Williams CD created by First Expansion member David Glenn Anderson. The picture of me is in the background is rather out of date but entirely right for the period of my most creative phase of invention in the Okal Rel Universe. I lived in the ORU then. I hope it brings others as much pleasure, for a moment now and then, through the books.

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Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Reading for the Future
David Glenn Anderson reports my care package of Okal Rel Universe books have arrived, and will be added to RFFUtah's inventory of science fiction materials to spark the imagination of teachers and students, or be donated in the RFF cause in whatever capacity David Glenn decides to use them as a member of the First Expansion. Dave will sign and annotate the books, at the my request, to give each one a history or provenance, so future owners will know how they got launched into the world and be encouraged to add their own jot to the record.


The history of the ownership of an object, especially when documented or authenticated. Used of artworks, antiques, and books.

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