Reality Skimming

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Magazines Canada has a PDF sample of the non-fiction content of issue 16 of
Neo-opsis. (This is one
of the 2009 issues.)

A fair number of SF Canada members are mentioned, or have their photo, in
this issue.

Karl Johanson

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Monday, January 04, 2010
Nominations open for 2010 Aurora Awards

Aurora Time Again!

It's that time again: time to nominate works for the Prix Aurora Award, which you can do here:

The Aurora Awards are fan-voted awards for the best Canadian SF of the year.

Any Canadian citizen or permanent Canadian resident can nominate works for free either electronically or by mail. It only takes a few minutes. The deadline for nominations is February 5, 2010. The Aurora Awards will be given out at KeyCon in Winnipeg in May.

For a list of some of the eligible works you can go here:;

Eligible works for the Okal Rel Universe (the short form one isn't ORU but the author will also appear in Opus 5)

Best Long-Form Work In English - 2009
Far Arena by Lynda Williams, Edge Science Fiction and Fantasy 2009

Best Short-Form Work In English - 2009
A Day in the Life, Jennifer Lott, issue 18 of Neo-Opsis

Best Work In English (Other) - 2009
Opus 3, Okal Rel Legacies Anthology, Absolute X-Press

Thanks for supporting the Okal Rel Universe!

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Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Science Fiction Awards Watch In the department of "isn't it amazing how things get around on the web", google alert recently led me to a site called Science Fiction Awards Watch that has got the nomination for Part 2: Righteous Anger of the ORU Saga's 2007 Aurora entanglement listed. It was short listed. Always a bridesmaid and never a bride. Keeps me humble.

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Monday, September 10, 2007
Righteous Anger is a finalist for the 2007 Aurora Award

Much thanks to those responsible for Righteous Anger making it to the finalists for the novel category, in English, for the 2007 Aurora Awards, and to my webmaster David Lott for bringing this page to my attention and making sure the entry had links.

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Friday, September 07, 2007
Righteous Anger Finalist for Aurora Award

Thrilled, this morning, to learning Righteous Anger is a finalist for the Aurora Award--all the more so because I've been so busy at the day job I never even knew the process was taking place! A thousand thank yous, on behalf of everyone engaged with the Okal Rel Universe, to the wonderful person or people who made this happen.

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